Friday, 18 October 2013

Media signs around the school

In our lesson we were told to look around the school to look at the signs. From doing this, I have taken into consideration all the posters and "media" that I subliminally take in without realising. The signs around the school are going to be aimed at teachers therefore they need to be short and to the point as well as relevant:
  • tidy litter
  • racism
  • bullying
  • smoking
  • equality
  • vandalism 
  • "coughs and sneezes spread diseases"
  • respect our school
All this media is used to try and improve the school environment. As the audience I was aware of the sort of things that signs would say but hadn't noticed them particularly- which is therefore suggesting the subliminal effect signs have. 

1 comment:

  1. Now consider the concept of selective perception.How does this change your outlook on the ways in which audiences engage with media?
